Continuing Education 

Real-Life Conversations on Affordable Nutrition
and Access for Families

Description: Research shows that approximately 1 in 10 U.S. households was considered food insecure in 2020. Considering the heightened financial hardship associated with the ongoing pandemic across historically marginalized groups, the ability to access healthful food and nutrition information is essential. Identifying an individual’s and/or family's needs while addressing barriers to food access is key to the development of effective nutrition interventions. During this roundtable discussion, Clancy Harrison, registered dietitian and founder of the Food Dignity Movement, will facilitate rich discussion with diverse panelists who will bring varied expertise and experience from the food bank, community, WIC, public health, and industry settings. Attendees will be able to participate in a thoughtful conversation that sparks insight and energy around the importance of nutrition in food security, the dynamics of feeding a family, creative uses and ideas for affordable foods, and the deep humanity of what “eating on a budget” really means. Our panel will share important perspectives and real-life examples of how health care providers can and must take actionable steps to craft nutrition interventions that are culturally connected and appropriate. Attendees will walk away from this session with fresh perspectives and enhanced understanding of ways to positively impact those who are nutritionally under-resourced.

Location: Virtual

Date: 12/8/2022

Time: 2pm – 3pm ET

Learning Objectives

  • Identify common challenges and priorities between public health, WIC, industry, and community health care providers
  • Incorporate cost-effective and culturally appropriate strategies to increase intake of healthy foods groups among nutritionally at-risk populations
  • Discuss the significance of providing culturally connected and informed nutrition care

Moderator: Clancy Harrison, MS, RDN, FAND


Tecora Smith, WIC Director, Northeast Texas Public Health District

Mary Brauchla, PhD, MPH, Associate Principal Scientist, Tropicana Brands Group

Marissa “Sunni” Rudd, Author of the “WIC Cookbook”

CPEUs: 1.0 (accredited by the Commission on Dietetics Registration through 12/8/2025)


This webinar is sponsored by Tropicana Brands Group. The speakers received compensation from Tropicana Brands Group for their participation. Any opinions or scientific interpretations expressed in this presentation are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of Tropicana Brands Group.

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